Conaratulations! You’ve been with the ASA for 2 vears …

Conaratulations! You’ve been with the ASA for 2 vears …
The promotion of Gabby Hua from Associate Project Engineer t…
亲爱的ASA伙伴们 天上人间,共此良辰 愿大家 梦想实力年年有,桂花飘落片片收
We would also like to have all your attention to celebrate J…
Just a little reminder that success is all about finding tha…
Your hard work will always shine and show Big congratulation…
Today, we are thrilled to mark a momentous milestone as we c…
Dear Jalen Since you joined ASA, you have always taken the c…
Dear Scott, Today is a memorable day, you joined the ASA fam…
Happy new year! Wishing you lots of luck this rabbit year. M…